Bridging Yankton
Step Forward to Prevent Suicide Walk
Bridging Yankton, Pathways to Hope, Help & Healing is a suicide prevention group whose mission is to increase suicide awareness by supporting local and statewide prevention efforts which provide hope, help and healing to individuals and families in our community.
Formed in 2016, this coalition of local community members work in partnership with the Helpline Center and United Way of Greater Yankton to plan and host our community’s annual Step Forward to Prevent Suicide Walk.
Why support Bridging Yankton’s Step Forward to Prevent Suicide Walk?
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth and young adults in South Dakota. It is estimated that 85% of people in the United States will know someone who has died by suicide, and that one out of every five of those losses will be a close friend or relative.
When you support the Step Forward to Prevent Suicide Walk, you join efforts with thousands of people to raise awareness and funds that allow the Helpline Center to provide statewide prevention services, educational programs, and support survivors of suicide loss.
Donations to this event also help support local prevention efforts right here in Yankton. In previous years, proceeds have benefitted Yankton Middle School Youth Frontiers Courage Retreats, Sheltered Reality Presentations, Helpline’s Text 4 Hope Program at Yankton High School, Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum, SD HSC’s Zero Suicide Initiative, Boys & Girls Club, “Be Yourself Club”, Yankton Area Mental Wellness Conference presenters, and many other local behavioral health awareness programs.
For further information about Bridging Yankton, the Helpline Center, or the upcoming Step Forward to Prevent Suicide Walk on Saturday, August 3, 2024, please email us at info@yanktonunitedway.org, call United Way of Greater Yankton at (605)665-6766

Saturday, August 3, 2024
Riverside Park Amphitheatre, Yankton, SD
8:15am - Event Registration Begins
9:00am - Remembrance Ceremony & Speaker
1.5 Mile Walk Immediately to Follow. Walk begins at the Amphitheater, and will cross over the Yankton Meridian Bridge.
There is no registration fee for our event but all participants must register and sign an event waiver. Register at the event or you can PRE-REGISTER HERE!
Financial contributions all support the mission of Bridging Yankton, Helpline Center, and local mental health programs. All donations are welcomed and appreciated! Click the "MAKE A DONATION" button below to support our mission.
Or click the "BECOME A FUNDRAISER" button below to create your own personalized fundraising goal/campaign. This option allows you to create a team and/or share your efforts via your social media pages, mobilizing friends and family to help you reach your goal!
Please remember, any gift, no matter the amount, will help provide HOPE, HELP & HEALING.