United Way of Greater Yankton will kick off the 2021 Community Campaign with STRONGER UNITED WEEK, September 8 - 11, a time to celebrate our community's collective strength and the power of living UNITED.
How can you get involved? How can you make your community STRONGER? There are plenty of great opportunities all week long to lend a hand and make a difference.
Donate to United Way's Community Campaign, supporting over 60 critical local health & human service programs.
Community Collection Drives will be taking place at local businesses all week long to benefit United Way Partner Agencies!
First Dakota National Bank - Sporting Equipment Drive for the Boys & Girls Club of Yankton
First National Bank of SD - Peanut Butter Drive for Yankton Food for Thought
Explorer's Credit Union - "Underwear"ness Drive for The Clothing Closet
CorTrust Bank - Cleaning Supplies for River City Domestic Violence Center
Great Western Bank - Toiletry Drive for Pathways Shelter for Homeless

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to learn more about UW program impact and the critical work of our partner agencies!
Share and LIKE our posts to be eligible to win our new STRONGER UNITED tshirts, United Way gear, and gift certificates from local businesses!

Nearly 100 volunteers will be participating in Community Campaign activities, workplace campaigns and physical volunteer opportunities to assist local service agencies! Registration is now closed for the following family friendly Volunteer Opportunities:
Tuesday, September 8
9:00am - MEAD Cultural Education Center
4:00pm - The Clothing Closet
Wednesday, September 9
9:00am - Habitat for Humanity
2:30pm - The Center
4:30pm - The Center
Thursday, September 10
9:00am - MEAD Heritage Park
4:00pm - Parents as Teachers
Friday, September 11
9:00am - Heartland Humane Society
1:00pm - HeadStart Preschool

Please contact United Way of Greater Yankton at (605)665-6766 or by email at info@yanktonunitedway.org
to learn more about how you, your family, friends, or co-workers can get involved!