Art is fundamental to not only education but also to a rich cultural existence. Yankton Area Arts was formed in 1973 to ensure that the arts provide a bridge between creativity and our community through dance, music, visual arts, writing, and theater. All of this would not be possible without dedicated community volunteers.
Norm Wright was recently nominated for United Way & Volunteer Services of Greater Yankton’s August Volunteer of the Month award. Norm has been a dedicated volunteer for the arts. Julie Amsberry, Executive Director of Yankton Area Arts nominated Norm stating, “Norm has served as a board member for Yankton Area Arts. He has continued to support the organization by serving as a volunteer member of the exhibit committee. This committee allows him to lead new board members and other new volunteer committee members. He was an asset in helping come up with a reopening plan, offering insights, ideas, and putting together a proposal for the Board of Directors. He is unafraid to share his opinions and ideas which only strengthen our community and Organization.”
We asked Norm to share more about his volunteer efforts
I have lived in the Yankton area since 1966 and began volunteering as an organist in 1969.
I continue volunteering because I enjoy the volunteer work that I do.
I volunteer for Yankton Area Arts (YAA) by assisting with setting up and taking down their art exhibits and whatever else YAA may need that I can do and assist with. I also volunteer my time and service at Christ Episcopal Church (CEC) as their organist, lay preacher and worship leader, planning their weekly services and leading them. I have volunteered approximately 850 hours this past year.
Volunteer work is enjoyable because I am doing something that I like to do that benefits the community I live in.
My best volunteer experience is helping set up exhibits at YAA. I truly enjoy being one of the first people to see the new art arriving to be exhibited at YAA. Every piece of art is like a letter; an expression of that artist’s view of the world telling us something about the human experience we share.
The advice I would give to those thinking about getting out there and volunteering in their communities is: Ask yourself, what is it that you could do every day, given the opportunity to it freely. Is there some place or organization that would give you that opportunity? Get involved. Volunteer work is the most freeing experience anyone can engage in because one can give back freely what one has been freely given.
To learn more about local volunteer opportunities or how to get involved with United Way’s Clothing Closet, please visit yanktonunitedway.galaxydigital.com. To nominate a Volunteer of the Month, email info@yanktonunitedway.org or call United Way of Greater Yankton at (605) 665-6766.